About the Association

The Food Safety Professionals Association was set up in 2007 with the intention of bringing together the best independent food safety/hygiene professionals operating on the island of Ireland in an attempt to nurture and improve the standards of food safety advice and training available to the Hospitality, Catering, retail and Industrial sectors in Ireland...Read more ›
Types of Membership
There are three categories of members.
Full membership is limited to individuals whose main employment is in a capacity typically associated with educational and consulting activities and who can demonstrate a high level of competence in and knowledge of The Food Service and Hospitality Industry and Food Manufacturing, Distribution and Retail...Read more ›
Benefits of Membership
- Profile page on www.fspa.ie
- Access to the resources of the FSPA.
- Opportunity to network with peers.
- Continual professional development.
- Business referral between members.
- Social interaction between fellow professionals.
There are three categories of members
Full membership is limited to individuals whose main employment is in a capacity typically associated with educational and consulting activities and who can demonstrate a high level of competence in and knowledge of the following:
- The Food Service and Hospitality Industry
- Food Manufacturing, Distribution and Retail
Pre Requisites for Full Membership of the Association are as follows:
1. Hold a training License with the National Hygiene Partnership or the Northern Ireland
equivalent, or QQI-approved training qualification to level 6 minimum.
Acceptable evidence Fáilte Ireland Trainers in Industry certificate, certificate/letter of approval by NHP or NI equivalent, QQI approval and/or other qualifications in education.
Hold a 3rd level qualification in a food-related background e.g. hospitality, catering (industrial/healthcare), food science, manufacturing/processing.
2. Be actively involved in Food Safety Training or working as a consultant/advisor in the food industry.
Acceptable evidence: invoice for EHAI/NHP exams, letter of verification of training by EHAI/NHP, attendance sheet, exam record sheets or appropriate information.
3. Provide proof of adequate Professional Indemnity insurance cover, only if engaged in consultancy.
4. Hold ISO 22000 auditing certification or attend an ISO 22000 Auditing course within 18 months of joining the association. Proof of certification must be provided within the 18-month time frame.
5. Be nominated by a member of the Association and seconded by 60% of existing full members of the Association, in attendance at a meeting. The person nominating the new member must be present at that meeting. The nomination process is outlined in the appendices.
6. If membership is declined, an appeals process is open to applicants. This process is outlined in the appendices.
Honorary Membership Prerequisites
Honorary membership to the Association may be granted to individuals who are outstanding in their chosen career and who have positively contributed to raising standards and providing leadership within the catering/hospitality/retail/manufacturing industry and/or allied educational field.
Information/data on individuals who are proposed should be lodged with the membership or management committee 6-8 weeks prior to the FSPA AGM in order to be ratified.
Individuals are nominated at the Association AGM and if approved by 60% of the membership at the AGM approaches are made by the Association management committee.
The initial approach to the proposed honorary member may be informal however all further correspondence by the two parties must be documented and this information must be retained on file.
Honorary members can attend meetings but may not vote.
No membership fees are paid.
Corporate Membership Prerequisites
- Companies must be allied with the Food Service/Hospitality/Retail/Manufacturing Industry
- Companies may designate one company executive as the Corporate Member Representative.
- Companies must complete an application form and provide two (2) independent trade references.
- On approval by the Association management & membership committees and ratified by the membership at a quarterly meeting the company will be contacted and an invoice issued for the required fee* after which meetings can be attended.
- Corporate member representatives can only attend the open section of the Association meetings as it is understood the objective of corporate membership is to provide an opportunity to exchange information and update on relevant issues, legislation etc and to provide networking opportunities.
- Corporate member representative may not vote at meetings.
- Corporate member representatives may have an opportunity to address the membership on relevant educational topics.
- Companies can provide a logo for the Association website and a reciprocal arrangement should be established on the understanding that the Association do not endorse any product and/or ensure exclusivity to any company.
- Ongoing Corporate membership is subject to an annual vote by the membership at the AGM.
If membership is declined, an appeals process is open to applicants.
For further information please email: info@fspa.ie
Membership Enquiry
Would you like to become a member of FSPA? Click on the button below to get in touch.
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